nutrizione fogliare

We provide a range of specific services and advice so that you can continue to take care of what you like best.

We like to cultivate the land, make wine, flour, pasta, .. and I can tell you, for us we have chosen a job among the most beautiful in the world. So why do we have to spend hours and hours at the desk dealing with accounts, laws, taxes?

In addition, making a quality product, unfortunately, is not enough to be able to sell it as we would like. We must know how to transmit the quality even to those who are far away, to those who can not try it or be told directly.

Furthermore, our price may be too low or too high. Or we may not know how to reach our potential customers in Italy or in Europe.

In short, to make good your farm should be experts in everything and have a wide network of contacts to keep alive and active. All this requires time and experience. That is why we have set up and provided a series of specific consultations, so that you can continue to do what you like best.

Contact us immediately if you are interested in our advice or want to know more about the services offered.
Since 2012, many winemakers have asked us for advice. Discover the producers today certified Vini di Luce.